
Showing posts from March, 2018

My aims in 2018

My aims in 2018 Outline Topic sentence: For the year 2018 I have many aims I would like to achieve.   Support 1: Studies Support 2: Hobbies, free time Support 3: Health Conclusion : To sum up, I have a lot of things to do and I am really looking forward to achieve my goals in 2018. For the year 2018 I have many aims I would like to achieve. Firstly I want to focus on my studies, and I am going to apply tot he University of Theatre and Film Arts. In my present university I keep studying hard, and try to do my best to pass all of my subjects and exams.   Honestly I was very lazy in the previous semester, so it is going to be a bit challenging to me. As for my hobbies I just started to learn to play ukulele. In this year I need to practice more and more to get better beacuse my goal is to be able to playing at least 10-15 songs. Besides that I want to spend a little bit more time for myself, for example reading realixing or just do what I like, In the past years I did not ha

My aims in 2018

Topic sentence : One of my biggest weaknesses is that I am not organised. Support 1 : the reason for this Support 2 : how to solve this Concluding sentence : This is going to be quite difficult for me, but I am sure my life will be easier if I reach this goal. My aims in 2018 One of my biggest weaknesses is that I am not organised. I tend to be absent-minded and procrastinating is very usual in my life. My biggest aim in 2018 is to change this behaviour of mine. There are several problems that lead to my stressed lifestyle but the most important is that I cannot decide what is important and what is not. Being interested in many activities and people, and having to do a lot, I often find myself sitting at my table at 1 a.m. wondering how the time went by. I have to remind myself that it is okay to say no for an invitation or to keep some time for myself alone not studying but relaxing. This is going to be quite difficult for me, but I am sure my life will be easier if
My aims in 2018 Outline: - Intro - Spring semester - Work - Fall semester                 Talking about my aims or goals for 2018, I am not that kind of person who makes deadlines for every single thing. I think being stubborn with our bigger goals, is enough, it is useless to plan our whole method and the time of the process, because unexpected twists can change our way anytime. This is the reason why I always keep simple aims, which are hard to get ruined by the changing conditions and easy to achieve. The first of my aims for this year is successfully finishing the Spring-semester. Although this is maybe not a “big deal”, for me it is a nice chance to prove that I can come up to scratch. For the next is to find a job for the summer, something well-paid and exiting, at least challenging. In some case I like to prove my worth but only for myself and not the people around. My third aim is to get through the Fall-semester, though it seems painfully distant right now. T

My aims in 2018

My aims in 2018 Outline: Topic sentence: In 2018, I want to achieve more than last year. 1. To travel somewhere new 2. Water intake 3. To cook a new meal once a month 4. To spend more time with people you care about 5. To create a workout routine 6. To study more 7.To learn to be your own best friend Conclusion: From 2018, I want to be the best version of myself MY AIMS IN 2018 To travel somewhere new: New places and new people gives us a perspective we don’t get from our typical routines. I love travelling and my life goal is to go as many places as I can. This exposure to different situations, foods, views and experiences changes us. These will make my life richer. Water intake: I feel myself dehydrated minimum once a day. And to make it better, we can do whatever it takes us to get more water. I’d like to have more energy and better digestion just to feel better. To cook a new meal once a month: There’s nothing wrong with eating those meals that we know how

My aims in 2018

Outline: Introduction Hook: In this year, my main aim to achieve is to get better grades Thesis statement: my main aim to achieve is to get better grades Body: Thesis idea: Goals Support 1: Better grandes Support 2: French exam Support 3 : My book Support 4 : Health My aims in 2018 In this year, my main aim to achieve is to get better grades. I was not as successful last time, as I had planned, so I will try my best to correct my previous mistakes, and become more enthusiastic and hardworking. I am very close to get used to the university system, so I believe I will be able to succeed, and find my place. I am also determined to pass my French language exam this summer. In my opinion, learning languages is very important in this world. Furthermore, I decided to try and get a scholarship as well. As for my personal resolutions, I wish to be more helpful and supportive towards my family and friends. Moreover, I would like to finish my novel and hav
"My aims in 2018" Outline: Topic sentence:  On New Year’s Eve last year I planned a lot of aims which I would like to reach in 2018. Supporting idea 1: healthy lifestyle                            2: study                            3:social time Conclusion: to improve myself On New Year’s Eve last year I planned a lot of aims which I would like to reach in 2018. First, I would like to pay more attention to having a healthy lifestyle: I want to go running 3 times a week or go to the gym and eat a lot of fruit instead of chocolate. In 2017, I was very lazy and now I would like to be more productive: study and read more. I will try to learn French more intensively in order to pass a language exam. Last but not least, I would like to spend quality time with my loved ones: organise programs, hang out, go to parties or just chill and I would like to be more adventurous and improve myself.

My aims for 2018

Outline: Introduction Hook: For 2018, I have several aims to achieve thesis statement: I have several aims to achieve Body: Thesis idea: Goals Support 1: 1st aim: Pass Ancient Greek exam. Support 2: Describe the reason of failure and how to prepare for the next time. Support 3: 2nd aim: To be better in English. My aims for 2018 For 2018, I have several aims to achieve. One of my goals is to pass the Ancient Greek exam. I failed in the previous semester because there were too much material to study for it. The biggest problem was the entry test with the blind map exercise. In order to pass this part successfully, I should have known more than 100 points on the map, which were so close to each other that I could not find the right ones. I will make a computer game to practise and be efficient in that kind of exercise. My second aim is to be better in English. For this, I have joined an intensive English course. With these, I hope, I will be able to achieve my mai
What I have learned so far in the university Topic: The first semester was about brushing up our previous knowledge. Point 1: Grammar and writing Point 2: Idioms and expressions Point 3: Literature Conclusion: The previous semester is needed to acquire basic skills, so we will become good teachers. Today, I am a second semester student in the university. The first semester was really destitute. The first semester was about brushing up our previous knowledge in many ways including grammar and writing, idioms and expressions and last but not least literature. The first difficult challenge was grammar and writing. Grammar was always been my most hated part of English. However we had a prominent teacher, (whose name is David Kozma) who could teach us grammar greatly superb. We studied again the whole grammar, but this time with adored, therefore in the end we could pass at the exam with flying colours. The second abnormal challenge was studying idioms and expressions. Thi

What I have learned so far at university

’’What I have learned at university in the last semester”            In the last semester I became very open-minded and curious by learning about many topics and subjects. I learned of some study skills, where I discovered  the basics of learning techniques, among others. A also met English Literature and its marvelous poems, dramas and short stories. The classical writers knew something that we do not know these days. I practiced English Grammar and English idioms. For this reason, my vocabulary improved and my communication skills developed. Besides that, I analyzed lots of literary works, and I perceived the way how I can define the genre of a piece of writing. I was entirely impressed by Classical Hungarian Literature and that was my favourite subject. These lectures and seminars were mostly about practice and lexical knowledge, but I have also learned about behavioral rules and moral values, and most of all about myself, which was the most exciting and the hardest secti

What I have learned so far at University

What I have learned so far at University Topic sentence: My first semester of university was very difficult I. How to prepare for an exam II. Manage your freetime III. Learn how the system works Conclusion: In the first semester of university a student has to learn how the system works. Once they have mastered that, the future will be a lot easier to cope with.                 My first semester of university was very difficult. If I could describe it with one word, it would be "survival". Besides the English and Hungarian literature knowledge, I learned how to prepare for an exam if i I have only one day or night in the worst case, which is by drinking the strongest coffee in the drink machine. and I also learned how to survive a week without sleeping. Students are pretty good   experts at procrastinating, but once you learn all-night long and drink coffee and energy drink to get your paper finished, you realise that it’s a pretty bad thing to delay things

What I have learned so far at university

Topic sentence: Throughout the past semester, I have learned a lot of facts, for this reason, it was hard to choose what the most important lessons were, but these are the three major points Point 1: Not just a university, it is a goal. Point 2: Importance of relaxation Point 3: Bringing food everywhere Conclusion: It is an adventure that just keeps getting better. What I have learned so far at university Throughout the past semester, I have learned a lot of facts. For this reason, it was hard to choose what the most important lessons were, but the following are the three major points.  When I started university, I thought studying was only a task and it did not have meaning, but now I know it is my goal because I would like to be a teacher. I am a different person today than I was when I first walked through the university doors. My best-loved lesson is the importance of relaxation - I need to relax more - and I was happy when I realised this. The best way of st

"My aims in 2018"

Outline of my paragraph Topic sentence: At the begin n ing of the year, I planned a lot of aims, that I would like to do and reach. point 1. Student job. point 2. Travelling. point 3. Plans for summer. point 4. Health. point 5. Vegan and cruelty free cosmetics. Conclusion: I hope that I will manage to reach all of my aims and I will have a successful year. ” My aims in 2018” At the begin n ing of the year, I planned a lot of aims, that I would like to do and reach. Most of them are achievable easily, I just have to work for them and make some changes in my life. They are not too ambitious , but I have several small goals . To begin with, I want to finish all of my subjects successfully, and pass the exams. Then I will find a student job and work at least two times a week, because I am saving money for travelling. One of my dreams is to travel to many places and it will begin in April. (We have booked plane tickets to Berlin.) In the summer I will
My aims in 2018 Outline: Topic sentence: achieve my aims Support 1: studies Support 2: sport Support 3: travelling Conclusion: at the end it will worth it  In 2018, I would like to be more successful in my studies, be more fit and I also want to travel more than the year before. The question is, how could I achieve my aims. First and foremost, I will focus to improve my studies. In New Year’s Eve, I promised that I will read all my compulsory literature and, also do all my homework. I would like to spend more time with studying. After it had happened, I will buy new trainers and start running again. For me running is the best choice to chill and drift away. As I experienced, run is a kind of sports that do not needed nothing so far, except good shoes. At last on my list is traveling. It comes from my childhood and, also my parent’s lifestyle. As a child I was a perpetual-motion machine and now I still lay claim to be in motion. At the same time, I do not ha
My aims in 2018 Outline Introduction: Having a lot of aims, I consider 2018 a year filled with excitement, fun, and adventures.   Support 1: Free time, relaxing, family  Support 2: Healthy life, sports  Support 3: Studying, exams  Conclusion: To sum up, I have a lot of things to do in almost each part of my life and I am enthusiastic to achieve these goals in 2018. My aims in 2018  Having a lot of aims, I consider 2018 a year filled with excitement, fun, and adventures. My goals cover several fields of my life, for example, family, health, studying, and sports. First of all, I would like to keep my good habit that I study a lot, but beside that I should spend more time with relaxing, because I easily become overstressed. I always have to study and because of constant moving between my home and the university I rarely have time to chill out. I am keen on reading when I am having a rest, but I only have time for it when it is a holiday, which is woeful. In my free time I

What I have learned so far in university

Cseh Szabina Outline What I have learned so far in university Topic : The first semester was about brushing up our previous knowledge. Point 1 : Grammar and writing Point 2 : Idioms and expressions Point 3 : Literature Conclusion : The previous semester is needed to acquire basic skills, so we will become good teachers. Paragraph What I have learned so far in university In my opinion, the first semester was about brushing up our knowledge and skills about the English language. We got reacquainted with the grammar rules and the tenses. We were taught about morphology, phonetics and phonology again, but this time not just in Hungarian, but English, too. The latter was a new experience for many of us, as in former English lessons we only learned basic grammar and new words and expressions. We relearned the importance of linking words, how to write a paragraph, and what topic sentences are. We learned many idioms and expressions, although if one reads many English

My aims in 2018

Outline: • Introduction: At the beginning of a new year everybody tries to set up new plans. 1. Support: Get a driving licence. 2. Support: Develop my language skills. 3. Support: Travel with friends. 4. Support: Get a job. 5. Support: Buy a new flat.  • Conclusion: I have a lot of things to achieve and it will keep me busy. I feel that I am committed to my plans. At the beginning of a new year, a lot of people make promises and set up new aims they want to achieve. I also made up my mind and as I looked back on my last year, I have decided to do something, too. Firstly, I want to get a driving licence because I started it a few years ago, but I had to move to Budapest and I ran out of time. I also have problems with my hearing – I am deaf in one ear –, thus I was scared to take the responsibility. It feels like I am ready now, but sometimes I still have difficulties to live with it. Secondly, I want to take a business and an IT language exam in English and I also want to im

What I have learnt so far at university

Reverse outline ·       Topic sentence: I learned three major points in my last semester. ·       Point 1: The new atmosphere ·       Point 2: Lost determination, and responsibility ·       Point 3: Disappointed in people ·       Conclusion: Never giving it up, although you think you aren’t capable of achieve what you want! “What I have learnt so far at university” When we were at the end of our high school years, we did not realize that a whole new life is starting, and it is going to be a more different and harder part of our lifetime, with many positive and negative experiences, and memories which we are never going to forget. On 11th September I was one of the many freshmen who entered this building for the first time, with fear, hope, and uncertainty about this new type of life. In the first few weeks, I was very lost in this huge building with many classrooms and confusing corridors. I was late for nearly every lesson, and I did not feel comfortable with m
My aims in 2018 (outline) Introduction: We always have aims to work for. Topic sentence: My aims in 2018 are the following Thesis: Wishes and goals to reach Support 1: language learning Support 2: playing musical instruments Support 3: learning how to cook Conclusion: Find the balance. My aims in 2018 We all set goals for the New Year, but the question is whether we can make them real. My experience is I cannot, at least not yet, but I always have aims to work for. I make a list on New Year’s Eve of different dreams, wishes and goals that I would like to reach. My aims in 2018 are the following. Firstly, I would like to improve my Spanish, because I have learnt it in high school which was a good start. Unfortunately, it was not enough for me to speak the language. Moreover, I would like to start learning Italian, because these two languages are quite close to each other and it might be easier to learn Italian after learning Spanish. Secondly, I would like to practice

What I have learnt so far at university

Outline: - Introduction: During my time at university I have learnt responsibility, acquired new information and skills. - Point A: New learning method - Point B: Take responsibility - Point C: Acquire unfamiliar information -Conclusion: University makes us more mature. Since I have been studying here for almost 3 years I have become familiar with lots of materials, requirements, handling issues and meeting the deadlines. I started university in History BA in 2015 and I had two years to acquire skills that, for example, I can apply in my recent studies. The most important skill I obtained is the new learning method which is entirely different from the high school one. Now I have to go through bigger amount of materials in a much lesser time. Thus, the greater pressure is on me, the less I want to fail. University forced me to meet the deadlines; therefore, I had to set up priorities which ones matter the most. Secondly, I have to manage all my issues, for example in admini

My aims in 2018

My aims in 2018 (outline) Introduction: achievements Topic sentence: In 2018, I want to achieve more than last year. Thesis: what needs to be done Support 1: fail less subject Support 2: more time spent with learning Support 3: more "treat yourself" day Conclusion: more time spent indoors

What I have learned so far at the university

What I have learned so far at the university   Outline: 1.       The introduction: Although I have had only one semester so far at the university, I have learned a lot. 2.       My subjects in the first semester: English Literature, English History, English Linguistics, English Grammar, Study Skills. 3.       What I have learned... 4.       The conclusion: Thus on the whole I can say that I acquired the basic skills which are essential for the next semester, and I hope that I will not forget them and I will be able to use them in the future as well.   What I have learned so far at the university Although I have had only one semester so far at the university, I have learned a lot. I have had interesting subjects, for example, English Literature, English History, English Linguistics and English Grammar with highly qualified teachers, which is why I could improve a lot. In the English Literature classes we read English poems and novels,
Welcome to the blog everybody! This is where you'll be posting your writing during this semester.