Black of the Night or Nature’s Green? Health Effects of Green and Black Tea The vast variety of different types of tea can be overwhelming. Every person in every culture has their own favoured kind of tea – White Tea, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Pu-erh Tea and so on – but their short and long-term health effects are not always the same. Over the years countless studies have been published by scientists and physicians about the health effects of different teas trying to prove one's or the other's superiority. In this paper I will examine the health effects of Black and Green Teas and provide arguments for the beneficial effects of drinking Green Tea. Black Tea is a type of tea that is made of Camellia sinensis leaves and which is more oxidized and stronger than other tea types. It is an effectual antioxidant because of its free-radical scavenging and metal-chelating ability (Sharma et al., 379–404). For this reason, it eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of c...
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