The Wand of Death: Cigarettes

                                              The Wand of Death: Cigarettes
Smoking is known to reduce people’s life spans by nearly about 14 years, and it kills 6 million people every year. Cigarettes contain 7000 harmful ingredients, which are very dangerous to humans and other creatures. They must be banned from the legal trade and must not be legally consumed, because they are life-threatening and highly addictive.
Some of the deteriorative substances which can be found in cigarettes are aceton, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. These mostly affect the respiratory system and make breathing more difficult. If one inhales at least one of them regularly, he/she will damage his/her entire body.
The most commonly known disease that smoking can lead to is lung cancer. If you are being diagnosed by this type of cancer, that can mean your chance to be alive five years after is less than 1 in 5. Another serious consequence of smoking is heart disease, which can cause heart attack. Men can get erectile dysfunction, which can inhibit procreation, and women can get cervical cancer, which makes childbirth impossible. Besides that, it can trigger blockages and narrowing in your arties which causes less blood and oxygen flow to your heart and it can result in a stroke. Therefore, stroke in fact can be a reason for paralysis, altered brain functionality and death. But there are some milder effects of smoking cigarettes: yellow teeth and fingers, smelly hair, mood stimulation, unpleasant breath, wrinkly and dry skin. So, lots of illnesses can be obtained by smoking.
  But the biggest problem is: no one can avoid the smoke in the streets – that is how non-smokers become second hand smokers. Studies show that children whose parents smoke, get sick more often and they are more likely to wheeze or have a shortness of breath. Second hand smoking can also cause asthma or make asthma even worse. Furthermore, inhaling smoke is heavily dangerous to pregnant women, because it injures the woman and the baby at the same time.
All in all, the noxiousness of smoking can be clearly justified by many facts. Firstly, it has got a great deal of harmful and addictive substances in it. Secondly, it causes several diseases, for example lung cancer and heart disease which can be deadly in a serious stage. Thirdly, it also results in milder consequences like hair loss or bad breath. Fourthly, smoking reduces your life spans. Fifthly, every smoker damage and endanger the health of non-smokers, who are helpless against the flow of smoke in the streets, including children and pregnant woman for example.
Title: The Wand of Death: Cigarettes
Thesis statement: Cigarettes must be banned from the legal trade and must not be
legally consumed.

A. Addictive and harmful substances
                               1. Aceton
                     2. Tar
                     3. Nicotine
                     4. Carbon monoxide
B. Illnesses and death
                     1. Lung cancer
                     2. Heart disease, heart attack
                     3. Erectile dysfunction
                     4. Cervical cancer, infertility
                     5. Yellow teeth and fingers
                     6. Smelly hair
                     7. Mood stimulation
                     8. Unpleasant breath
                     9. Wrinkly and dry skin
C. Second hand effects
                     1. On second hand smokers
                     2. Specifically on children and pregnant women
D. Summary of the arguements

MADE BY: Szabó Timóteus and Zalán Zsófia


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