
Showing posts from April, 2018
The positive effects of gaming                                                            Outline THESIS: Gaming has a number of positive effects like helping dyslexics, boosting reaction time and developing in studies 1. Helps dyslexia                         A. Dyslexia can cause trouble with reading, writing, memory retainment, and general brain functionality.                         B. Action video games chosen to improve attention can boost reading skills in people with dyslexia. 2. Boost reaction Time                         A. Reaction time is a skill which can be the most important skill, for a gamer to have.                         B. Training your action time by playing video games and high speed fps games causes reaction speeds to increase significantly. 3. Helps In studies                         A. Video games every time helped when studying languages.                         B. The results showed that students considered the game helpful in impr

Recognizing lies through nonverbal communication - Cseh Szabina

Outline Thesis: There are behavioral clues to deceit we can observe that are evident in face, body, and voice. I.                    The face 1.       “The wise monkeys” 2.       Looking aside 3.       Deceitful smiles II.                 The body 1.       Fidgeting near the neck 2.       Folded arms 3.       Crossed legs 4.       Pointing our toes III.              The voice 1.       Swallow voice and our lips 2.       Higher pitch and lower tone 3.       The speed of speech Conclusion: Lies can be noticed through nonverbal clues, but these clues do not always hide deceit. Recognizing lies through nonverbal communication Lying is part of human behavior, although not one that is acceptable. It is something that people deliberately choose to do to mislead others or to get something that through other means cannot – or hardly can – be reached (Ekman 163). However, deceiving others can be recognized if one observes the telling clues that cannot alwa

Black of the Night or Nature's Green? Health Effects of Green and Black Tea

Black of the Night or Nature’s Green? Health Effects of Green and Black Tea The vast variety of different types of tea can be overwhelming. Every person in every culture has their own favoured kind of tea – White Tea, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Pu-erh Tea and so on – but their short and long-term health effects are not always the same. Over the years countless studies have been published by scientists and physicians about the health effects of different teas trying to prove one's or the other's superiority. In this paper I will examine the health effects of Black and Green Teas and provide arguments for the beneficial effects of drinking Green Tea. Black Tea is a type of tea that is made of Camellia sinensis leaves and which is more oxidized and stronger than other tea types. It is an effectual antioxidant because of its free-radical scavenging and metal-chelating ability (Sharma et al., 379–404). For this reason, it eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of c
Sorry for the late, we had some problems with the modern technology... Team Jungle Book Topic 2#: Banning cigarette Looking at a box of cigarettes is just one of the many ways of being informed about the harmful effects smoking. This, however, does not seem to deter millions of people from doing so. Arguably cigarettes are just as unhealthy and addictive as any other drugs, yet it should not be banned and despite the ever-growing number of worrying statistics about smoking, most governments seem to agree. We cannot ignore the easily forgotten center point of the discussion around cigarettes, the consumers. For non-smokers it might seem like this is a simple problem with a simple solution, but that is not how addiction works, and an addiction it is. For some strange reason, nicotine dependency is rarely addressed as an actual illness. This might stem from how culturally accepted this habit is, which stands in sharp contrast with the use of illegal substances such as cocaine or
Outline Thesis: Students have so many lessons that they cannot learn languages, do sport, do free-time activities or have social life. I. The importance of language learning a.        Speaking some foreign languages has its benefits b.       Learning languages alone II. Doing sport is important as well a.        Old-fashioned PE lessons b.       We are all different III. Social life and free time activities a.        Pupils should try to find the perfect hobby b.       Social life also has its benefits IV. Conclusion What should we change in the Hungarian education system? Hungarian education system has its benefits, however, as everything it also has some disadvantages. Students have so many lessons that they cannot learn languages, do sport, do free-time activities or have social life. Learning languages has become so important nowadays. On most of the job interviews the first question is how many languages the candidate speaks.

The Wand of Death: Cigarettes

                                               The Wand of Death: Cigarettes Smoking is known to reduce people’s life spans by nearly about 14 years, and it kills 6 million people every year. Cigarettes contain 7000 harmful ingredients, which are very dangerous to humans and other creatures. They must be banned from the legal trade and must not be legally consumed, because they are life-threatening and highly addictive. Some of the deteriorative substances which can be found in cigarettes are aceton, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. These mostly affect the respiratory system and make breathing more difficult. If one inhales at least one of them regularly, he/she will damage his/her entire body. The most commonly known disease that smoking can lead to is lung cancer. If you are being diagnosed by this type of cancer, that can mean your chance to be alive five years after is less than 1 in 5. Another serious consequence of smoking is heart disease, which can cause heart attack.

The Hungarian education system - Nils Holgerssons

Outline Thesis: The main problem is the amount of material, because it leads to numerous other problems. I.                     Disadvantageous 1.        Pupils cannot catch up 2.        Teachers have no time to explain II.                  The lack of freetime 1.        Spending too much time indoors 2.        Motivation is lost Conclusion: The Board of Education should reduce the amount of material.     If you could change just one thing about the Hungarian education system, what would it be and why? The education system became a highly debated topic among people in Hungary.  The main problem in schools is the amount of material, because it leads to a plenty of negative effects. Nowadays, children and adolescents must face a lot of pressure and stress, caused by the numerous classes, subjects, tests and exams.  While the older generations had to attend to nearly the same classes and deal with the struggles as well, even the parents can sense the change